Tsitsi Masiyiwa is an African philanthropist, social entrepreneur, and champion for gender equality.
In 1996, she co-founded Higherlife Foundation with her husband, Strive. The foundation works across education, health, food security, and disaster preparedness to support African countries to achieve upper-middle income status. In 2017, Tsitsi established Delta Philanthropies as a vehicle for impact investing and grant-making.
Mrs Masiyiwa is the Chair of Higherlife Foundation and Delta Philanthropies. Tsitsi is also the Chair of Co-Impact, the Chair of END Fund and a founding board member of the African Philanthropy Forum.
As a result of her work and experience establishing and growing Higherlife Foundation over the last twenty-six years, Tsitsi has become an advisor and thought partner to universities, national leaders, and social entrepreneurs on issues of education, health, leadership development, gender, and youth empowerment.

Tsitsi Masiyiwa
Board Chairperson, the END Fund