Eugene Ruberanziza

Senior Director, Programs

Prior to joining the END Fund as a full-time employee, Eugene was a consultant as Senior NTD Technical Advisor for the END Fund. For five years, his main functions have been to provide technical support to the Rwanda national program and to manage grants from the END Fund. Previously, he served in the same role for four years as In-country Program Manager for the SCI at Imperial College London. Eugene has been involved in the National NTD Control Program since its inception in mid-2007, working as the NTD Research and Treatment Coordinator at the Access Project – Columbia University, Kigali. A few months earlier, he had been recruited as a consultant to develop the first NTD grant proposal and the implementation plan. He was also Head of the NCD Department for the MOH and GP at Byumba District Hospital, Rwanda. Since 2015, Eugene has had the opportunity to support ESPEN/WHO/AFRO in Brazzaville as Consultant.

Eugene holds a Doctor of Medicine (MD) degree from the National University of Rwanda, and an MScPH (Disease Control) from the Institute of Tropical Medicine Antwerp, Belgium. He also has a Certificate in “Health and Human Rights – Dimensions and Strategies” from WHO&GIZ. He is a guest lecturer in NTDs at the University of Global Health Equity (UGHE), Rwanda. Eugene is the author of an article on schistosomiasis in Rwanda which earned him the Rwanda Medical Journal’s 2008 Aimée Niyikiza Memorial Award as the Best Young Rwandan Biomedical Researcher of the year; honored by the presence of the President of the Republic of Rwanda, H.E Paul Kagame. The awarded study was his first initiative on schistosomiasis carried out in 2005-6.

In his free time, Eugene enjoys jogging, watching football games, and visiting his family’s pig farm.